Sunday, August 21, 2011

closet confession: Pricing

While no one has ever questioned my prices in any of my auctions. I felt I wanted to share how I look at pricing things. This explanation is just me feeling totally self-conscience of how inconsistent some of my starting prices go for. I think my prices are really fair and for the most part "priced to sell." I even price things super low and if you see that, you know I am eager to make some space or it was a gift and I have no idea what else to do with it. Here is the biggest thing. If you notice an item is priced pretty high on my auction, it's not because I'm trying to pull a fast one on anybody. In all honesty, it's me really debating whether or not I really want to see it go. I know, that's self-sabotage. But, then everything has it's price, right?

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